Government to increase number of social cash transfer beneficiaries

Minister of Gender, Community Development and Social Welfare, Jean Sendeza has disclosed that Government intends to increase the number of beneficiaries

Ministry of Gender launches National Male Engagement Strategy

The Ministry of Gender, Community Development and Social Welfare has formulated a National Male Engagement Strategy which has been launched on Wednesday in Lilongwe.

Minister calls for inclusion of women in Innovation and Technology

Minister of Gender, has stressed the need to incorporate women and girls in innovation and technology

Minister hails Social Cash Transfer Programme

Minister of Gender, hailed the German government for the support it renders to Malawi through the Social Cash Transfer Programme

Minister of Gender condemns attacks on the elderly

Minister of Gender, Community Development and Social Welfare, Honourable Jean Sendeza, MP on Thursday condemned the increased attacks on the elderly in the country.

Sendeza (right) being briefed by NGORA

The Minister of Gender, Community Development and Social Welfare, Honourable Jean Sendeza has called for a vibrant Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) sector

Early childhood development program

Provide the nation with integrated early childhood development programs and oversees the coordination of primary child protection services.

Promotes gender equality and safeguards the welfare

The department ensures that gender is mainstreamed in all sectors and is a focal point for all issues concerning gender and women empowerment.

Literacy key to Sustainable Development

Mangochi District Council graduates 2,417 learners from adult Literacy classes

Child Participation

Child participation provides opportunity for involvement, design and access to information, decision-making and capacity building. Structures such as families, communities, schools, religious institutions, ECD centers, children’s corners, youth clubs, children and youth parliaments, and children’s rights practitioners play a crucial role in developing the participation needed for children to feel empowered in society.

Malawi government recognizes that the level of child participation in Malawi is only at the level of consultation and minimal participation.  Most often children’s views are sought through consultations, but not necessarily put into practice. Additionally, in consultations, very often younger children are not given the opportunity to participate, in spite of the acknowledgement that children of all ages have the right to be heard and be actively involved.

The Department with support from partners has been enhancing issues of child participation through children’s parliament at district level and youth parliament at national level. However, it is important to note that districts are at different levels in terms of implementing children’s parliaments and ensuring that matters and resolutions by children find their way to influence decisions at that level. We have noted that where there is a strong partner organization thing are working effectively as hosting these child fora requires funding which many districts do not have.

Looking ahead, the department intends to mobilize more partners at district level to support the implementation of children’s parliament and other child participation strategies and ensure that children play and integral part in the decision-making process especially on issues that affect them.



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