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Ministry of Gender and DODMA Express Gratitude for EU and German Support in Elnino Response

The Ministry of Gender in collaboration with the Department of Disaster Management Affairs (DODMA) is today having an engagement
meeting to acknowledge the European Union's (EU) and German Government's contribution to the Elnino Emergency Response in Malawi.
The EU and the German Government have provided a total of 7.3 million Euros, equivalent to K13.8 billion.
Under this support, both beneficiaries and non-beneficiaries of the Social Cash Transfer Programme (SCTP) received
K70,000 per month for one to three months in Neno, Zomba, Mzimba North and South, Mchinji, Phalombe, Salima,
Mangochi, and Machinga Districts to enable them to buy food.
The Deputy Minister of Gender, Community Development and Social Welfare, the Honourable Halima Daud, MP, is presiding over the event.

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